
‘To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions’
- Deepak Chopra


Nadia trained as a Reiki Practitioner in 2009 and has over 10 years experience with clients. Many of Nadia’s clients started as Reiki clients and have grown with Nadia and benefit from her Nutritional practice and more recently her Breathwork. Her holistic approach to her clients have resulted in sustained wellbeing.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

During a Reiki session with Nadia, she explains, in simple clear terms, what Reiki is and what the session will entail and welcomes any questions. She then asks you about your intentions from the session. Often we don’t know exactly what it is that is causing difficulty in our lives. Nadia listens carefully and helps to unpick the train of thoughts until the core of the issue is revealed. This process is handled so gently and empathically that any fears about revealing innermost thoughts and fears are banished. You know you are safe in her hands.

She then leads you through a short gentle guided meditation. This helps you to come out of the ‘monkey mind’ of our daily lives, anchoring our thoughts in the here and now. Those few minutes have a calming effect, as she explains how we can utilise this technique any place anytime to achieve stillness and awareness, even in the eye of the storm.

And that is all you have to do: close your eyes and breathe. Nadia opens herself to you and the blockages she intuits in your energy field. She observes and waits, alert to the images that come unbidden. You have nothing to do but relax. She moves silently about you, sometimes laying a hand on your shoulder, sometimes on your feet (always with advanced permission). You feel nothing except a flood of warmth and love.

When she has finished everything is quiet; the mental, physical and emotional chatter, the worries about what has been done or yet to be done gone. There is a comfort and peace flowing in and through you. And irrespective of the tears and the upset you may have felt at the outset as you clumsily explain what is going on in your life, now for a few minutes, all is still. All is quiet.

Following the session, Nadia invites you to share if anything came up for you. Any images? Thoughts? Words? No problem if not. Sometimes all you do is zone out, even sleep, and that’s fine too. She then explains what came up for her, what images she saw, what thoughts came to her as she scanned your body and you discuss how and if this resonates with you. Together you and she work out strategies for tackling it. Sensible clear strategies, be it repeating an affirmation, getting more exercise and sleep, eating more healthily or visualising your inner strength and power etc.

The session lasts 90 minutes in total, though you lose track of time completely. And you leave the session looking like the same person you were 90 minutes before, but you notice a lightness in your step, a clarity of vision and a strong sense of purpose. And you are left in no doubt that whatever else, healing has happened. Deep spiritual and emotional healing. And you have a pocketful of practical advice and tips for getting through the next bit, for tackling the next storm that threatens to destabilise us.