
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor” - Thich Nhat Hanh


As a certified Transformational Breath ® facilitator, qualified Nutritional Therapist and Reiki practitioner, Nadia seamlessly offers a unique service, combining personalised diet with detailed, practical lifestyle advice, scientifically-backed nutritional guidance with holistic healing through breathwork and/or reiki, and to support your emotional, physical and mental well-being. Transformational Breathwork is a gentle yet powerful technique that helps people to open up the full potential of their breathing for better physical and emotional well-being. It is a transformative mind-body practice that uses dynamic diaphragmatic breathing to access, shift and heal old traumas in a safe, healing environment.

Nadia’s breathwork sessions offer supported self-healing through intention setting, dynamic conscious connected breathing, gentle movement and sound vibration.

During your first consultation, Nadia will explain her practice and agree with you how you can work together using her complementing practices of coaching, nutritional therapy and breathwork.

Transformational Breath works on three levels:
Firstly, it teaches you to use your breath to open the complete respiratory system. Physically this energises the body, clears toxins, and boosts the immune system. Transformational Breath also reduces stress hormones that the body accumulates over time; each session can clear “something” (for example, it dissolves stress), and leave behind feelings of relaxation in the body.

Secondly, emotionally, Transformational Breath clears unresolved issues/emotions. We accumulate negative experiences, traumas and painful memories throughout life which can lead to stuck and unresolved emotions. Each session creates an opportunity for these disowned parts and unresolved emotions to be integrated/healed on a subconscious level.

The third level is dependent upon belief systems; for some it opens spiritual pathways and for others it’s fast track to deep meditative states.

The benefits of Breathwork include:
• Increased oxygenation throughout the body
• Improved energy levels
• Better circulation
• Clearer thinking
• Help with addictions, stress, emotional trauma
• Improved feelings of well-being, balance, confidence
• Enhanced feelings of power and ability to change old patterns
• Connection to spirit

The benefits of Breathwork are often experienced following a single session, but follow up sessions are recommended to sustain the benefits and to make lasting changes.